Tuesday, 1 December 2015

Group Micro-Teaching Reflection

I really enjoyed doing this micro-teaching with Etienne and Ying-Ting. The overall response from our colleagues was very constructive.
·         Time: I found it hard to manage the time and since I was teaching the zero solution I was done quite fast, with the activity and handouts. I wished I had plan something more to engage my peers.
·         Activity: The activity was quite interesting but that’s true sticks being colorful would have attracted the kids more and maybe more clear. Wrong perception, I thought I was teaching grade 11 and colorful stick won’t make a difference, but they did actually prefer colors. J
·         Topic : Only sine law was written on the board when we started doing a little revision(prior knowledge) of the previous class, but when we eventually started on today’s (Monday ) topic we forgot to write that we are doing The Ambiguous Case of Sine Law. I love writing the day, date and topic before starting the class. Strange that we forgot to write the one we are teaching – might be we were too rushed, or stressed.

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